Student Resource Corner

The School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences wants students to be aware of the vast array of resources available to them at The University of Texas at Dallas. Expand the categories below to explore campus involvement, wellness, academic success, research, undergraduate pre-health resources, graduate education, and more.
General Student Resources
Graduation Help Desk
The Graduation Help Desk supports faculty, staff and students by developing solutions to complex academic and non-academic issues that could adversely impact persistence or completion.
Veterans Center
The UT Dallas Military and Veteran Center (MVC) provides resources and support for veterans and military-affiliated students.
Student AccessAbility
The Office of Student AccessAbility (OSA) provides academic accommodations for eligible students with a documented physical, psychiatric or sensory disability. OSA also facilitates non-academic and environmental accommodations and services. | @utdallasOSA
Exploratory Advising
Exploratory Advising is for students who have either not decided on a major or are looking at a variety of options.
The Registrar is responsible for registering students and maintaining academic records, i.e., change of grades, majors, transfer work equivalency and degree conferrals.
Comet Cupboard
The Comet Cupboard is a UT Dallas food pantry initiative dedicated to helping students in need. Its primary mission is to provide necessary food and personal care items to members of the UT Dallas community. | @cometcupboard
The Office of Admissions handles all concerns related to admissions for any undergraduate, graduate, doctoral, second baccalaureate, and non-degree-seeking student. | @UTDfuturecomets
Comet Cents
The Comet Cents Money Management Center provides free education to currently enrolled students on personal financial topics such as saving/budgeting, credit management, student loans, identity theft and financial responsibilities after college. You can meet with a financial coach for a one-on-one session or attend a workshop. | @CometCents
University Career Center (UCC)
The University Career Center is a one-stop shop dedicated to helping undergraduates, graduate students and alumni with their career preparation. | @UTDcareercenter
OIT Help Desk
The Help Desk for the Office of Information Technology provides innovative, collaborative IT services, in a timely, accessible and dependable manner to support the University in achieving its strategic goals.
Road Warriors
Road Warriors staff and student leaders are available to answer questions related to commuting, campus services, getting involved and more. | @UTDallasRoadWarriors
UT Dallas Scholarship Listings
The Office of Financial Aid offers a comprehensive list of scholarship opportunities for UT Dallas students.
International Students and Scholars Office
The UT Dallas ISSO offers immigration advising services to support international students in achieving their personal and professional goals.
Financial Aid
The Office of Financial Aid is available to assist students in obtaining funds to attend UT Dallas. Aid is available in the form of grants, loans, and part-time employment or any combination of those programs.
University Housing
University Housing offers on-campus living options for UT Dallas students who appreciate the comfort of home while being within walking distance to class.
Parking and Transportation
The University offers multiple transportation options and parking permits to meet students’ needs.
Center for Teaching and Learning
The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) provides campus wide leadership and coordination of activities aimed at supporting excellence in teaching.
Campus Involvement
Freshman Mentor Program
The Freshman Mentor Program aims to increase academic engagement, involvement in the campus community, and Comet spirit while assisting freshmen with the transition to college life. | @freshmanmentorprogram
Office of Student Volunteerism (OSV)
The Office of Student Volunteerism is committed to enriching the lives of UT Dallas students by educating them about and connecting them to the needs of their community across campus, the country, and the world. | @cometscare
Greek Life
Fraternity and Sorority Life (FSL) at UT Dallas is home to 26 national Greek fraternities and sororities. These organizations provide students with opportunities for friendship, guidance and leadership that last well beyond their college experience. | @UTDFSL
UTD Comets Athletics provides competitive opportunities to students, which foster physical, social and emotional benefits along with a sense of sportsmanship. UTD athletic teams play at the NCAA Division III level with the exception of the esports team. | @utdcometsports
Undergraduate Success Scholars (USS)
The Undergraduate Success Scholars program provides formal guided pathways for select underrepresented minority undergraduates by building upon each academic year in a manner that facilitates achievement of academic goals and personal development.
Student Government
The Student Government seeks to enhance spirit, protect University traditions, and support all students and student organizations in their academic and community-directed endeavors. | @utdsg
Student Wellness
Student Counseling Center (SCC)
The Student Counseling Center’s services focus on resources, solutions and strategies to deal with student concerns. There is no charge for currently enrolled UT Dallas students. | @utdcounseling
Student Health Center
The clinical services of the Student Health Center provide for both primary and preventative health care.
Student Wellness Center
The Student Wellness Center is dedicated to the health and well-being of all UT Dallas students. The center offers consulting, education, promotion and prevention services related to various public health topics.
Student Health Insurance
The UT Student Health Insurance Plan (UT SHIP) is a Blue Cross Blue Shield policy made available by the UT System to eligible students and dependents.
University Recreation
University Recreation provides programs and quality facilities to enhance the overall extracurricular experience for students at UT Dallas.
Academic Success
Graduate Admissions
A resource for students looking for admission to a graduate or doctoral program.
Peer-Led Team Learning (PLTL)
Peer-Led Team Learning offers an active, engaged learning experience. Students meet with their small group weekly, where a trained PLTL Leader helps guide them through a potentially difficult gateway course.
Testing Center
The Testing Center offers a 300-seat computer lab, providing UT Dallas students access to a comfortable and secure testing environment for online/paper exams, quizzes, instructional testing and assessments, including institutional exams, distance learning and TSI assessment for current UT Dallas students.
Supplemental Instruction (SI)
Supplemental Instruction provides free, collaborative-group study sessions for students taking historically difficult courses. These sessions are hosted by a SI leader who has previously taken the course.
Computer Labs
The Labs provide Windows and Mac computers loaded with academic and productivity software. We also provide walk-in technology support as well as Cometprint support.
Writing Center
The Writing Center provides constructive feedback and writing support for undergraduate students through one-on-one tutoring sessions and workshops.
Communications Lab
Provides constructive feedback and support for students who need help with their speeches.
Student Success Center (SSC)
The Student Success Center is your portal to achieving academic success at UT Dallas. Whether you are seeking review sessions, tutoring, or other approaches for academic support, our team makes every effort to assist students in meeting their academic goals across a wide variety of subject areas. | @UTDSuccess
Student Outreach and Academic Retention (SOAR)
The Student Outreach and Academic Retention office is dedicated to providing personalized academic support to students who are not in good academic standing, on AES or National Merit scholarship probation, or students that desire an additional layer of academic support advising.
Office of Graduate Education
The Office of Graduate Education coordinates graduate education across the seven schools at the University and oversees degree requirements to develop and implement educational policy.
Health Professions Advising Center (HPAC)
Discuss your health career options, requisite and recommended courses, and major. Discuss activities that contribute to your pre-professional development, such as clinical, volunteer and research experiences. Evaluate your strengths and weaknesses as an applicant. Find information on summer programs. Access FREE medical journals and the Resource Room.
Pre-Health Student Organizations
Student organizations provide venues for pre-health students to help each other study, select classes wisely, find volunteer and work opportunities, and develop friendships.
Living Learning Communities (LLCs)
Living Learning Communities are groups of students who share academic goals and interests. The linked community is ideal for students considering careers in health professions.
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites program.
Undergraduate Research Opportunities
Enrichment Programs
The Dallas area offers rich opportunities to learn about healthcare hands on: 13 major hospitals, hundreds of smaller practices, dozens of research venues, and a vibrant community of public health and community outreach programs.
School of Behavioral and Brain Sciences (BBS) Research Labs
A resource for students interested in finding research labs in BBS!
Natural Sciences and Mathematics (NSM) Research Labs
Students interested in finding research labs in NSM!
National Science Foundation
The National Science Foundation funds a large number of research opportunities for undergraduate students through its Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) Sites program.
BBS-Specific Research Opportunities
Find out….