Undergraduate Advising Resources

When Must I See my Advisor?
- Any freshman with fewer than 30 credits completed must see an advisor prior to registration for classes.
- New transfer students must attend transfer orientation prior to registration.
- Students with an account hold must see an advisor to register for courses.
- Students who are experiencing registration issues should see an advisor for assistance (e.g., prerequisite issues, transfer credit, etc).
- Students intending to graduate must complete a graduation audit with an advisor prior to being permitted to complete the online graduation application. Deadlines to file an audit and apply can be found on the Academic Calendar.
- Students who wish to apply AP, IB, or CLEP credits.
- Students who wish to take courses off-campus must meet with an advisor to seek approval prior to registration off-campus.
How to Submit Registration Requests
Send a request to bbsadvising@utdallas.edu with the following information:
– Five digit class number (e.g., 81234)
– Course Prefix (e.g., PSY)
– Course Number (e.g., 2301)
– Section Number: (e.g., 001)
Please note, email will be answered as second priority to in-person students. Urgent registration requests should be addressed in person in the Advising Office.
It is the student’s responsibility to check that the correct course is added to their schedule and to follow-up that the course is appropriate for their degree plan and graduation requirements.
Our Mission is Your Success
BBS Advising is here to assist you on your academic journey. We assist majors in Child Learning and Development, Cognitive Science, Neuroscience, Psychology, and Speech, Language, and Hearing Sciences. We are also available to help our students choose a minor.
BBS Advising does not assign students by alphabet or major. You are welcome to visit with any advisor!
The University of Texas at Dallas values academic advising, and BBS Advising is your resource for choosing classes, applying for credit, and receiving guidance on your path to graduation. BBS Advising views academic advising as our passion, and we strive to help you meet your educational goals. Advisors can also assist with time-management skills, University resources, class suitability, and University policies and procedures.
Forms and Advising Resources
Documents / Forms
Registration Add/Drop/Withdraw Form — used to enroll, drop, or withdraw from courses.
Internship Courses Information
Independent Study Courses Form — used for enrollment in Teaching Internship, Directed Research, and Individual Study.
Research Exposure Credits FAQ
Successful Academic Planning
Texas Tuition Rebate Checklist