Current Students

Degree Requirements
PhD students in the Systems and Cellular Neuroscience (SCN) track must complete a program of rigorous research training and coursework, ultimately resulting in a significant original contribution of knowledge within their area of study. See our current graduate students.
The SCN program is structured to support our students’ research endeavors while providing the flexibility to create an individualized plan that can accommodate your specific research interests and goals:
Year 1: Rotations and First-Year Project
Most students spend their first semester exploring their research interests by participating in lab rotations. By the end of their first year, they have found a lab home and developed an independent First Year Project (proposal due early Spring).
Year 2: First-Year Project Defense & Forming your Dissertation Committee
Completion of your First-Year Project by December gives you a jump start on your Dissertation. In Year 2, you’ll begin to develop your Dissertation Proposal and choose which faculty will guide you as members of your Dissertation Committee.
Year 3: Defending your Dissertation Proposal
In Year 3, your research ideas become fully developed in the form of an NRSA-style Dissertation Proposal (due Sept 1 of Year 3). By the end of Year 3, you will defend your Proposal to your committee and colleagues.
Year 4: Research
You’ll be conducting research throughout your graduate career, but Year 4 is the time to really focus, as your coursework and other program milestones will have already been completed.
Year 5: Dissertation Defense!
In Year 5, you will present your original research findings to the world in the form of a Dissertation (document) and a Dissertation Defense (oral presentation). We highly encourage multiple first-author research papers prior to dissertation defense. This will put you in an advantageous position to move forward in your career. The minimum requirement for defense is one first-authored research paper.
Course Offerings
Graduate students in the Systems and Cellular Neuroscience track complete 24 credit hours of coursework in Years 1-2. Students must complete all the required courses listed below, plus one Advanced Elective course and one Cognition elective. Course details can be found on the UT Dallas Coursebook. Students must also enroll in additional research credit hours; in total, at least 75 semester credit hours are required for degree completion.
Required Courses:
- Proseminar: Issues in BBS (HCS 6302)
- Research Methods in HCS – Part I (HCS 6342)
- Research Grant Writing (HCS 6315)
- Cellular Neuroscience (HCS 6340)
- Systems Neuroscience (HCS 6346)
- Neuropharmacology (HCS 7343)
Cognition Elective Options:
- Cognitive Science (HCS 6330)
- Cognitive Psychology (HCS 6395)
- Other Cognition or Cognitive Neuroscience course, with approval
An Advanced Elective requirement which can be fulfilled by any additional HCS course.
See the UT Dallas Course Catalog for complete degree requirements.
Wellness & Community Resources
UT Dallas offers a number of resources, services and community benefits that graduate students can take advantage of:
Documents & Forms
- Cognition and Neuroscience PhD Student Guide
- Please see our BlackBoard eLearning “BBS-PhD Program in Systems Neuroscience” site for all forms and documents