Affiliated Centers
Center for BrainHealth
The Center for BrainHealth, located in downtown Dallas, is focused on understanding, protecting and healing the human brain. The center works through research programs to understand the brain’s ability to restore or protect healthy brain function, protect the brain from unnecessary mental decline, and heal the brain through treatments that regenerate brain function. A key part of the center is the Brain Performance Institute, which provides scientifically validated programs and assessments that enhance individual brain performance and health.
Center for Children and Families
The Center for Children and Families, housed in BBS facilities on the Richardson campus, is focused on all aspects of child development from birth through adolescence. The center promotes optimal child development by enhancing research, practice and outreach. CCF offers an array of clinical and community outreach activities organized around three initiatives: parenting healthy families, strengthening interpersonal relationships, and enhancing learning and thinking.
Center for Vital Longevity
The Center for Vital Longevity, located in downtown Dallas, is focused on understanding and expanding the capacity of the aging mind. Center researchers use cutting-edge brain imaging technologies and advances in cognitive science to understand (a) how the brain changes from young to old adulthood, (b) the consequences of neural aging for everyday function and (c) what interventions show promise for slowing cognitive aging.